
Lower your expectations: Jackass coming to the DS

You know what's missing from your DS? The ability to do exactly what every episode of Jackass has warned you not to do: try their brand of Jackassery at home. Thanks to the power of video games, however, you and your "dumb buddies" will get to relive all the best moments of the films and show ... if, that is, your favorites happen to be included in the upcoming game coming to the PSP, the PS2, and our own DS.

The game, which hits shelves in September, will feature 35 stunts, set up like mini-games, and some will be all new ideas that were never implemented by the crew. From these, players create their own "episodes," complete with ratings; the more pain and punishment you inflict upon your mini-Jackasses, the better your score.

Johnny Knoxville offered up this seminal quote when talking about his dreams for the title. "We just hope that our video game is as crappy as our movies."