Advertisement sets your wii-kly workout regimen

DDR isn't the only workout program out there anymore, has a workout regimen using Wii Sports that'll help you shed those unwanted Cheetos and Mountain Dew pounds.

The website gives a great workout regimen and all, the first example they use is pretty good, a man lost 30 pounds on the Wii workout plan. We're just a little concerned by the second example on the site. A girl named Melany says, "I'm 24 now and wanted to go from 100 lbs to 92 lbs and I did it in only four/six weeks!" Hear that kids, you too can go from being skinny to being, um, skinnier.

Anybody out there lose weight on the Wii Sports? We really can't see how this replaces DDR as the official go-to game for losing weight as a gamer and we really can't wait to see the results when DDR: Hottest Party eventually hits the Wii. Now that's going to be one insane workout.