
Sin City game gets a ho-hum developer

Did you enjoy the game Gripshift for the PSP, more recently ported onto the Playstation Network? How about Jackass: The Game? If those titles absolutely blew your mind, then you might want to sit down before you hear about developer Red Mile Entertainment's next ambitious project: the Sin City video game. Yes, that's right. The hit movie that really gave comic book fans something to cheer about (aside from the totally awesome League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, we jest) is getting a video game adaptation at last. Forget about EA, Ubisoft, Capcom ... whoever. It's Red Mile, baby.

If you're already sulking in disappointment, don't worry too much yet. Frank Miller himself has stepped up to assist Red Mile Entertainment with the script and probably some other collaboratory features. No, collaboratory isn't a word, but we just made it one. It sounds like it should be a word anyway. Anyhow, Miller released this promising statement: "The Red Mile team has impressed me with its dedication to creating Sin City video games that will remain true to Sin City as I've always seen it." Aww, come on Frank, don't be so hard on Sin City. It's good. We're kidding again. We'll keep tabs on how the game progresses -- who knows, maybe it'll be Red Mile's ticket into the "upper tier" of developers.