
Wii Warm Up: Safe for those with heart conditions

Everyone is expecting a massive flood of Nintendo megatons from the Nintendo Media Summit today (can you have a flood of megatons? Just go with it.) And, while we have a lot of great coverage of upcoming games to show you, there's nothing that could be called a "megaton." No exclusive new Mario Galaxy screens, no surprise game announcements, and no information about whatever the Wii download service is going to be.

It wasn't as spanuuuund as we hoped it would be. We don't have an E3-level news day to give you. What we can offer you is a load of gameplay impressions of some highly anticipated new games. And delicious pie. And what's more, we can deliver on one of those offers!

On the one hand, we're pleased with everything we have to look at, watch, and talk about. But on the other, no Metroid. No non-StrikingMario. No Smashing.How do you feel about a media event that ignores the biggest games in Nintendo's lineup?