
Stargate Atlantis lovingly rendered in Line Rider

The unassuming webtoy created by Bostjan Cadez, Line Rider, has inspired thousands of creative gamers to construct unique/crazy/inane tracks for the tiny sledder to skate through. This latest video from YouTube member unconed shows a surprisingly detailed track based on Stargate Atlantis. It's also one of the most impressive theme-based Line Rider worlds we've seen to date. The stage makes extensive use of the background drawing tool while the sledder's path runs smoothly through isometric scenery. We barely have the patience to draw a successful half-pipe, let alone decorate dozens of screens with background art. Check out a more abstract and artistic video after the jump.

Line Rider is a free Flash game anyone can play around with, and publisher inXile recently announced it will bring the game to the Wii and DS systems later this year.