
Palm adds "MyPalm" portal

Owning a smartphone -- regardless of the manufacturer, carrier, or platform -- can be a terribly trying experience, particularly for the uninitiated. Juggling firmware updates and new software downloads while simultaneously looking up how to pair your headset, solve a sync issue, and figure out why the thing's crashing can drive even experienced owners to the edge of insanity (we speak from personal experience here). Palm's looking to take a little bit of that edge off with its new "MyPalm" site, a one-stop shop for learning about the latest goodies for the Treo of your choice. Most every model from every carrier appears to be supported, serving up news alerts about your device, a software and accessory catalog, and a full range of support features, among other things. If that newfangled 755p has you a bit stymied, check 'er out.

[Thanks, Abdul]