
GameCity returns to Nottingham in October

In 2006, Nottingham Trent University held a gaming festival, apparently it was enough of a success to warrant a sequel this fall. The GameCity 2007 festival will be held at the university October 24-28. Yes, that's awfully far away, but it gives those Brit cos-players enough of a head start on putting together their outfits.

There is very little information about the festival, but we're guessing it'll be like last year's -- except bigger. According to the website, "among the excellent treats coming very soon is a fantastic competition from PlayStation." We're guessing they mean Sony, which has a strong presence on the island. Most of the festival is free and some of the events are reasonably priced. It's nice to see regional gaming conventions doing well, we're sure to learn more as the fall approaches.

[Thanks Jules]