
The Wii elbow returns

In a ridiculous labeling of a "medical condition," not to mention the ridiculous nature of placing an unnecessary amount of vowels next to each other in one lone word, Reuters is reporting that "Wiiitis" hath returned. At least, according to Dr. Julio Bonis who, upon waking one recent Sunday morning, found he had a sore shoulder. Thinking back upon his recent activity, Bonis could only isolate one thing in his life that he had spent numerous hours doing: Wiiing playing with his Nintendo Wii.

"What convinced me to send the case report was that a friend of mine, after playing 'Wii Sports' suffered from a similar complaint," Bonis explained. Although they are little to no documented cases (really?!), Bonis still thinks it's something affecting those who've been playing the console quite a bit. "I have not found other cases in my clinical practice, but it is probably an underdiagnosed condition." Well, we probably wouldn't agree, Doc.

But, what about you readers?