
PS3 Poll Police: What is your all-time favorite console?

The Poll Police need to bring you in for questioning again, this time to see if you've been harboring foreign consoles in your media center. While it's not a crime, we are curious to see what console has held the most of your love. Not necessarily gauged in playtime, but the console that really got you into gaming, or had that one game you just could not get enough of. We're not going to be putting every console known to man on the poll, but we'll cover the heavy-hitters.

What is your favorite console, like, ever?

Atari 2600

The Nintendo Entertainment System

Sega Master System

Super NES

Sega Genesis

Sega Saturn

Nintendo 64

PlayStation the First

Microsoft Xbox

Nintendo Lunchbox-cube

PlayStation the Second

Nintendo Wii

Microsoft Xbox 360

Sega Dreamcast

PlayStation 3, naturally. free polls

There are obviously a lot of choices, so we'll obviously need a lot of answers! If you want to see the results of last weeks poll, we'll discuss it after the jump.

The question was whether or not you'd like to see PS3 Fanboy Theater, where we'd stick movie and game trailers in high definition for your downloading pleasure, playable on your PS3. The results speak for themselves -- you would mostly love to watch whatever we've got for you. While they won't be antics, they will be fun. So expect more news on this topic later on. As always, thanks for voting!