
Introducing PlayStation.Blog, Sony's official blog

From the "It's About Time" department comes word that Sony has just launched the official PlayStation blog titled, unsurprisingly, PlayStation.Blog. To be clear, we're not talking about the "semi-official" ThreeSpeech (or Major Nelson for that matter); this is a straight-up "official" blog run directly off Sony's own servers. What can we expect from the site? Well, that's not clear yet. SCEA's Patrick Seybold writes, "At the moment, we're thinking about sharing all sorts of things here, ranging from product news and title announcements to developer updates and industry opinion posts – all of which will come straight from the people here inside SCEA who are working, thinking and playing with this stuff everyday."

Want to let them know what you want them to write about? They have comments enabled and, to help ensure those comments are productive, have a comment policy. As for us? We'd love to be able to check there for all of your PlayStation-related media alerts and press releases, that sorta thing. Oh, and the scoop on what exactly is included in those sometimes mysterious PS3 firmware updates. Oh, and maybe the ability to change that password (look who's talking, we know). That's it. For now. Welcome to the jungle, Sony! Let us know if you need a tour guide, we'd be glad to help out where we can.