
Breakfast Topic: Why is it so hard to help strangers?

When was the last time you helped someone you just met in-game? I don't just mean helped finish a quest, I mean helped at a time when no one else would. That's what Falcore on the European servers did.

He met a very young player who was getting bullied in-game and out. Falcore decided what this kid needed was a little morale boost. He bought the player some in-game shiny (epic mount, etc.) and then talked him up to other players. The boost to this player's self-esteem was immeasurable. So much so that Falcore later received a letter from the player's father explaining the boy's situation and the effect of Falcore's selfless deeds.

Did Falcore have to do this? No. He could have been farming for his own epic mount or yet another exalted faction or whatever was on his to do list. Instead he took time out of his own schedule to help a stranger to no benefit of himself.

Now, I don't mean to guilt you fine readers for your in-game priorities. I know I often have so many things I want to do with my limited playtime that I ignore general calls for help. But I also remember that many of my long time MMOG friends are ones I randomly helped with a quest or a little cash or advice. And I remember how grateful I was when total and complete strangers would help me with a goal I felt was out of reach.

We see so much negativity in the general chat channels. Would it kill us to be helpful if someone asks a question that has a well known answer? Is it adding to our enjoyment of the game to ridicule others when they are honestly seeking advice? Is it so hard to put someone else's needs ahead of our own for an hour or two? The payoff is far better than coin and exp, I assure you.