
NY Times: Game law probably won't 'pass muster' in courts

We've been saying it all along, but maybe if the New York Times says it, the politicians will finally listen. In an editorial the NYT says violent and sexually explicit games can be bad, "but banning them as [Governor] Spitzer and legislators want to do probably will not pass muster in the courts." They point out that Illinois spent $1.5 million defending their law which was eventually deemed unconstitutional. Guess who's next New York? The ESA is watching.

Unlike the silliness going on in England over Resistance and the Church, these New York bills aren't the actions of the naive. Gov. Spitzer et al. aren't unaware how severe their actions are, they know full well what they're doing. Despite this, they continue charging like a bull headfirst into a courtroom which will just take the cash out of New York taxpayers' pockets and hand it over to the ESA for their court bills (and don't forget having to pay the New York attorneys who'll have to defend the legislation). As one commenter on GamePolitics put it, "The reason they think the bills won't fail is because they have something that the other bills didn't have ... a REALLY good feeling about this."

[Via GamePolitics]