
Play Taiko Drum Master DS with a stylus in each hand

JeuxFrance has posted some images of the DS instalment of Namco Bandai's popular drum-bashing rhythm series, Taiko Drum Master (or the fun-to-pronounce Taiko no Tatsujin in Japan). The game, which we feel must be described as "unflinchingly adorable," makes use of two styli for tapping along to the music in rhythmic fashion. The idea of hanging the DS around your neck and marching through the streets to the beat of tiny drumsticks has never been more appealing.

Namco Bandai has yet to mention an English version, but the universal language of music and the lack of region coding on DS games allow you to import a copy once the game releases in July. Just remember, the key to beating the game is to, uh, beat the game.