
A possible justification for Sonic RPG?

Level Up's N'Gai Croal has been thinking about the Bioware Sonic RPG announcement, and, like the rest of us, trying to make some kind of sense of it. Why would anyone make a Sonic RPG? Why would Bioware jump onto a ship that is not only sinking, but sinking at blast-processed speed?

Croal thinks it's because they're using Sega's franchise-- and money-- to practice making kid-friendly handheld games, so they can then make their own good ones. It makes sense-- they made a Dungeons and Dragons game, learning about fantasy RPG's, and now they're working on Dragon Age; Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic lead into Mass Effect and Jade Empire.

The good news is that all of these licensed games turned out great. That doesn't mean we're going to allow ourselves to have high hopes. We're all out of optimism for new Sonic games.