
Blue Dragon ad campaign wins Cannes award

The marketing team behind Blue Dragon, the Xbox 360 RPG out in Japan and coming to North America later this summer, struck gold with their recent "Big Shadow" interactive installation in Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan. Shadows of participants' movements were projected upon a wall in the middle of town. When they perform certain actions, such as raising their arms over their heads, a giant dragon appears above their shadow. Enemy dragons would swoop or attack the shadow humans, and sometimes a giant Monty Python-esque foot would crash down on their heads. Web surfers could even participate in real-time using a webcam!

Creative director Koshi Uchiyama, joined by art director Naoki Ito, and producer Yasuhisa Kudo, received the Gold Lion award for outdoor advertising at the Cannes Advertising Awards, one of the most prestigious award shows in advertising. Check out a video presentation of the installation as well as the awards page for more images.