
Wii Warm Up: The no-waggle zone

Sometimes, waggle makes everything better ... and sometimes, it makes us want to gouge out our eyes, or maybe a friend's eyes. Really, any eyes will do. We're not picky. The thing is, everyone has different opinions one what makes for a good waggle game. And what exactly counts as waggle, anyway? Excite Truck and Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam used limited motion-sensing controls, and that worked out pretty well. But a lot of people are uncertain about how a fast-paced game like Super Smash Bros. Brawl will work with the Wiimote and nunchuk control scheme. Will we like it? The good thing is, if we don't, we have option. But we're not always so lucky.

In the games released so far, where do you think the controls have worked, and where have they been less than good?