
GameTap Thursday: Samurai Shodown II headlines a Neo-Geo love in

Samurai Shodown II leads the pack in the first of what will be a weekly institution here on Joystiq -- GameTap release notices. There are a slew of great releases every week for the all-you-can-eat PC (and as of today, Mac) gaming service and seeing as how the Wii and Xbox 360 get their share of love, we think it's high time GameTap got theirs as well.

If you're a fan of games in which you maim, cripple and generally inflict harm upon living creatures, this is a great week to be you!

  • Samurai Shodown II (Neo-Geo): The infamous sequel that, while not as dramatically as Street Fighter II, made its predecessor look real bad. Now sporting online play, this is bound to be one of the most popular games on the service.

  • Metal Slug 4 (Neo-Geo): Also known as the part where you stop caring, MS4 is the result of Playmore digging up the corpse of Metal Slug and parading it around your local arcade.

  • King of Fighters 99 (Neo-Geo): Sure, it introduced the concept of Strikers that turned the game into a broken mess for a few years, but KoF99 also features some of the best tunes in the series' 13 year run.

  • Hitman: Codename 47 (PC): Announced just this week, the original Hitman speeds onto the service as of today. It's probably not a coincidence that the trailer for the movie hit theaters this past weekend.

  • Project Snowblind (PC): Originally known as Deus Ex: Clan Wars, Snowblind is a solid, but ultimately forgettable first-person shooter. It's worth checking out, however, if you're in the mood for some shootin' and wouldn't mind a huge arsenal to do it with.

  • Ultima VI: The False Prophet (DOS): While not quite as epic as the incredibly massive Ultima VII, the social issues tackled in The False Prophet probably wouldn't fly in today's games.

  • The Manhole (PC): Finally, one for the kids, The Manhole is an interactive adventure from the creators of Myst, Cyan Worlds. It doesn't feature any objectives, per say, but if you have some little ones around they may enjoy clicking on all the pretty colors.

[Update - Ultima VI snuck up on us! Also of note, the free play section of GameTap was updated and now includes the entirely underrated Twinkle Star Sprites.]