
The Bee Game is not what you're thinking

You would be forgiven for thinking that The Bee Game, a DS and GBA title, might be connected to a film you've heard some buzz (lol!) about, Bee Movie. Luckily, Midway has taken every precaution to make sure that you don't get the two confused. Like, for instance, they added a "The" at the beginning, let's see Jerry Seinfeld top that!

There are, of course, some things that even Midway couldn't help. For instance, they both just happen to be releasing in November. Purely coincidental. Also, The Bee Game was written by Barry Leinfeld. (OK, we made that one up.) In case you're curious, the game apparently features "completing mini-games to find clues in the meadow, dark forest, blue pond, deep caverns and the garden to locate the other bees." Not listed in the feature set, but implied: A hard-learned lesson about paying more attention to the back of boxes.

Update: As some of the more observant of you have pointed out, that is, in fact, Maya the Bee. Why change the name of the game based on the beloved children's series? We have NO IDEA.