
iPhone news making you queasy?

Yeah, the launch is over but that doesn't mean an end to the iPhone news and reviews. If the crystal Jesusphones piece had you rolling your eyes in damnation, take heed of the Yahoo Pipes feeds we whipped up awhile ago -- use them to opt out of the Apple and/or iPhone news entirely. Yes Dorothy, there is life beyond Cupertino -- your nightmare is now over.

Opt out of Apple / iPhone news
Engadget classic without any iPhone news - RSS feed, Pipes page
Engadget classic without any Apple news - RSS feed, Pipes page

Engadget Mobile without any iPhone news - RSS feed, Pipes page
Engadget Mobile without any Apple news - RSS feed, Pipes page

Of course, if you have laser-like focus on this stuff and want a separate feed for Apple and iPhone news, we offer that too!

Get only Apple / iPhone news
Engadget classic only iPhone news - RSS feed, tag page
Engadget classic only Apple news - RSS feed, tag page

Engadget Mobile only iPhone news - RSS feed, tag page
Engadget Mobile only Apple news - RSS feed, category page