
HD DVD making a run on Blu-ray in the release race

At last count, the Blu-ray camp was holding a marginal 260 to 241 lead in the likely frivolous release race, but those numbers haven't always been that close. Taking a look at Q1 of this year, the gap was noticeably larger, but thanks primarily to Universal Studios releasing 33 HD DVD titles on its own of late, HD DVD seems to be making a comeback. Reportedly, 70 new HD DVD flicks claimed shelf shape from April 1st to June 30th, whereas 63 Blu-ray films were released in the same period. Sure, a gap so diminutive may not mean much when looked at statically, but it's been quite awhile since HD DVD held the momentary crown in terms of releases at all. Still, the latest VideoScan numbers are once again showing Blu-ray sales as the strongest of the two, but all the drastic price cuts in the rival camp could potentially alter that in the coming months.