
E307: Joystiq goes toe-to-toe with WiiFit

After Wii Fit was revealed at Nintendo's keynote on Wednesday, we found ourselves not only thinking of the non-game itself, but also the possibilities the new peripheral could bring to the console. Before we can get ahead of ourselves thinking about all of the non Wii Fit stuff we can do with it, we should probably focus on Wii Fit itself.

Well, thanks to the fine folks at Joystiq, they got their hands on the whole setup during E3 this week and chronicled their impressions for us. Their thoughts on the thing, after trying three of the eleven available demos, were a mixed bag. They didn't feel like the three different gameplay segments they tried were anything incredibly fun or engaging, noting that "maybe we'd get it ourselves, too, but not for the gaming aspect. Like Brain Age, it's likely a title we'll never really love but still play it over a year after its release."

One thing we did like to read was that apparently the Wii Fit peripheral is "a lot lighter and sturdier than we had anticipated."