
CoverFlow, "Get all" podcasts in iTunes 7.3.1

A reader of ours sends along (thanks!) two cool new podcasting features in iTunes 7.3.1 that I hadn't noticed yet. First and foremost, podcasts are now browseable with CoverFlow, which is awesome (and probably points to an eventual implementation of CoverFlow on the iPod, if speculation is your thing). However, podcasters aren't sure exactly how art is determined for this-- they can define art by episode, so which episode art is shown in CoverFlow? Also, video podcasts use an image that comes a few frames into the video, which doesn't really help unless the podcast is designed to show a logo or identifier early on.

The other new feature works great, though-- when browsing a specific podcast, you'll notice that a new "Get All" button shows up near the title. When you hit that, iTunes will automatically download all available episodes of that podcast. Depending on how many are available, that might be a pretty big addition to your collection, but if you find a really good podcast that you can't get enough of, it's great to have one-click access to everything out there.