
DS Daily: Making time

Okay, we admit it. By the time you read this, we'll probably either just be finishing up our spankin' new Harry Potter book (spoilers are a NO in comments, by the way!), or sleeping off having read it in a rush, because, well, that's just how we roll. But thinking about that got us pondering something else -- sometimes, it feels good to set everything else aside for a few hours and just get lost in something, like a book or a game. Do you treat yourself like this? As many of us grow older, it gets harder and harder to find time to game, as much as we might want to. Sometimes, though, you feel like you've earned the right -- after a long week, or a particular accomplishment -- to shut the door, turn off the phone, and just get your game on. How often do you try to set aside a little personal time like that, and what are your favorite games for those long runs?

RPGs tend to be a great way to wile away those large chunks of gaming time. If only we could reclaim all those hours of sleep lost to the Final Fantasy franchise! But online gaming is another way, and sometimes, even a good puzzle game can fill an afternoon. But we want to hear about your habits.