
Bungie on Halo 3 online co-op, movie Warthog

In the latest Bungieweekly update, Frankie discusses the recent, internet asploding story about Halo 3 and one of its (currently) missing features, online co-op. According to Frankie, Bungie is toiling on the feature, but getting the game's "complicated A.I. systems, huge game world, and gargantuan encounters" working nicely over an internet connection is proving to be a difficult task. He compares the work being done on online co-op to wrestling an alligator. Offering us a glimmer of hope in this analogy, Frankie notes that Bungie hasn't revealed "how big the knife we brought to the wrasslin' match is." Finally, he states that Bungie will say more when the time is right.

Apart from the online co-op situation, the most interesting part of the update is a real, fully functioning Warthog, prompting us to frantically IM our friends (and loved ones), "OMG IZ REEL WRTHOG!!11!" Remember the live action "Arms Race" short film that was shown at E3? Well, that film is part of a series, and this Warthog will be making an appearance. All we want to know is when it's showing up on eBay (it'll go great with our Spartan suit).

There's plenty more info contained in the update, including some new details on changes made to the energy sword in multiplayer (it will have a battery now). Go forth and read it.