
Digdogger hates certain kind of fashion

We're about as nerdy about NES games as one can get without becoming a ruined shell of an eBay addict, but we're pretty sure we'd get self-conscious about walking around with this Legend of Zelda overworld map belt on. But, then, we'd be more self-conscious about walking around with no pantal support at all. Alas, this belt is for ladies only, so we won't be testing our love of Zelda and secure pants against our modesty.

The belt will be available for sale on the 27th, at a special price of $15. Boy, this is really not expensive!

[Update: it's actually unisex. Also, I suppose it's silly to think of a belt being 'for ladies only.' If it looks like a belt you want to wear, wear it! Thanks to unbreakable_idea for the correction.]

[Via Wonderland]