
Variety: Ubisoft's Heroes game likely revealed this weekend

NBC and Ubisoft aren't ready to talk about it yet, but Variety reports that the two are close to closing a deal that would let the French game company turn the sci-fi hit Heroes into a game. Though they're currently mum, there's a little convention in San Diego this weekend, and they might be able to find a few geeks there who would get excited about the news, if they wanted to unveil it there.

Though it may seem like a natural choice for a game version, what with the superpowers and all, we wonder if anyone at Ubisoft has considered the fact that there's very little actual hero-ing on Heroes. It's largely people talking to other people about their powers and only occasionally using them. Don't get us wrong, we love the show. We hope that Ubisoft doesn't try to jam it into an action mold.

That being said, there's the Reservoir Dogs game, which is either a knock against our argument or terrifying, irrefutable proof of it, we're not sure.