
Oh thank heavens, Dragon Ball Z finally goes to Blu-ray

Do you like spiky-haired Akira Toriyama male characters yelling at the top of their lungs while their shirts rip off, "powering up" for three episodes before having their attack blocked by another spiky-haired character who howls with power? Yes, Dragon Ball Z is the most intense action show to come out of Japan in the 90's and many people love it more than love itself. Possible? You decide, especially now that you can watch a few of the DBZ films on their new Blu-ray transfer. Yep -- anime is on Blu-ray.

The two films chosen to get the HD treatment involve Broly -- "Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan" and "Broly: Second Coming" are both coming to Blu-ray courtesy of FUNimation. We love anime, but for those who have more eclectic tastes will have to wait a long time until their animated friends come to HD. Seems the big hitters are coming first: DBZ, Full Metal Alchemist, and we anticipate the Miyazaki library will pave the way for other anime curious about HD animation. This may sound silly, but our anime is what seemed to benefit the most from the PS3's DVD upscaler. We're excited to see more on the lovely Blu-ray.