
PS3 Poll Police: What is your gaming snack of choice?

The Poll Police had to take a stop and pick up a few dozen donuts today, so they're a little late this time around. Surely you won't hold it against them? Since they've only got limited time, they insist to dive right into the poll for this week. The question for this week is a little odd, but it's a fantastic way to gauge what kind of gamer you truly are. Are you ready to succumb to the strong arm of the internet poll law?

Whilst gaming, what is your snack of choice?

Just liquids -- solids are a bit messy.

Chips, pretzels

Cookies, desserts

Sandwiches, hamburgers, hot dogs

TV Dinners


Full course meals

I don't eat while playing. free polls

We at PS3 Fanboy, of course, eat full course meals while we balance the controller on one knee and work both sides of the controller with one hand. It's very hard, but what can we say? We're that hardcore. If you're curious about last week's poll results, check them out after the jump.

Last week we wondered what year Sony will shine brightest. Truth be told, we expected more answers for 2007, what with the daunting lineup of fantastic games coming steadily throughout the rest of the year. But no, you readers had much more foresight, realizing that 12 months of good gaming is much greater than 4 months. The results show that, with a staggering advantage going towards 2008 as the year of the PS3. As always, thanks for voting and we look forward to seeing what you like to satisfy your stomach with while playing games!