
Blast Factor: Advanced Research on its way to the PSN Store "soon"

The president of Bluepoint Games, Andy O'Neil, has posted on the PlayStation.Blog with details on the upcoming "expansion" to Blast Factor. We put quotation marks around the word "expansion" because, from the looks of things, it's going to be bigger than the original game was. Namely "Seven new specimens, eleven new types of enemy, two new bosses, monthly online high score tables, new practice mode, remixed sound effects, eight new music tracks and dynamic lighting." Sounds great to us!

While Blast Factor: Advanced Research has an uphill battle ahead of it if it wants to beat Super Stardust HD and become King of the dual-analogue shooters, we're looking forward to it. We were big fans of the original Blast Factor, even if no-one else was. Thankfully for those who are a bit more cautious about what you download from the store, Advanced Research will have a demo available with the release of the game. Check out the post on the PlayStation.Blog for more details.