
Bungie unveils details on 4-player Halo 3 co-op

With the revelation earlier today that 4-player co-op is definitely coming to Halo 3, Bungie has now posted an article detailing everything you could want to know about the feature. So, without further ado, the nitty-gritty:

  • 4-player co-op via system link or Xbox Live

  • Splitscreen limited to 2 players, but 2 more can be accommodated via system link or Live

  • Co-op is managed in its own lobby, similar to other modes

  • Players can still save films of co-op sessions

  • Bungie will be adding some incentive for multiple play-throughs

If you haven't yet surmised the significance of the image above, know that the three elites will serve as the Master Chief's co-op partners. Player two, naturally, will play as the Arbiter. The other two are newly created Elites with their own backstories. It seems that since the Schism of the Covenant in Halo 2, humanity finds itself with a growing segment of Elite sympathizers.

However you slice it, 4-player co-op -- and all of the tactical options it adds to Halo 3 -- sounds like it's going to be a blast. Now all we have to worry about is the fight over who gets to be Master Chief.

[Thanks, Skandil]