
TUAW Live: Talkcast Thursday 8/2 9:30p ET

If you've listened to any of the TUAW podcasts, you already know what your friendly neighborhood bloggers sound like... but we have no idea what you sound like. That's about to change: announcing the first-ever live audio chatcast from TUAW, via the Talkshoe platform, tomorrow, Thursday 8/2, at 9:30 pm ET (0230 GMT). Our topic is "One Month of iPhone" and we'll be taking some of your questions and comments, audio or text, live during the half-hour show; we might even find the time to give away a couple of genuine TUAW souvenirs to some lucky participants.

Since this is the first time we've done a live show, and since there are bound to be a few hiccups, we'd like to limit the audience to invited guests only for this outing. How to get invited? Simple -- go register for a account, download the client, and come back here to leave a comment letting us know you're coming. We'll send out an email with the show link on Thursday afternoon. You can listen in via the client or over a conventional/VoIP phone call once you have the show info.

Looking forward to hearing from all of you soon!