
Sony insists they haven't added rumble to controllers

Dave Karraker from SCEA recently responded to the mostly confirmed rumors of a rumbling Sixaxis controller by stating, basically, no such controller exists. He did confirm that better motion-sensing controllers were in the works, but downplayed it as more of a controller update than a new controller. He said that "[Sony] recently sent out to the development community some new prototypes that have a slightly enhanced sensitivity for the analog sticks and the motion sensing within the Sixaxis controller ... This is not a new controller, but is part of the normal development and evolution of controllers."

While this may seem disheartening, this may be a PR tactic utilizing semantics. Rumble, as far as controllers are concerned, involve rotating hammer weights, causing the controller to shake. That feature is not coming to the PS3. But Karraker might have been dancing around the word rumble, when the proper term is TouchSense technology. Know what we're saying? Of course, maybe we're wrong. But we like dancing, too, Sony!

[via Digg]