
Pirates selling GameCube titles as Wii games

The last time we visited the Philippines, we stopped at a video store and picked up a movie labeled Anaconda 4, amazed to find that the horrible horror film had received three sequels which we'd never heard about. Imagine our surprise when we popped in the VHS tape later that evening, only to find that Anaconda 4 was actually Komodo, a completely unrelated B-movie with absolutely no anacondas in it whatsoever. It's a good thing we passed on Breakfast Club 3.

Filipino site GameOPS found that pirates are up to their old tricks again, copying GameCube games onto DVD discs and packaging them as Wii releases. Titles like Luigi's Mansion, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, and The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition are advertised with new covers that've been rebranded with Wii logos and boxart elements. Unlike official GameCube-to-Wii ports, these don't even feature tacked-on waggle controls!

When asked about the "Wii" copy of Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes on display at ShopesVille, a department store in Manila's Greenhills Shopping Center, one of the salesladies explained that it's the same Metal Gear Solid release as the upcoming PS3 game. We bet that all the people who argued about the Wii not being able to handle next-gen graphics feel a bit silly now! Check past the break for a couple more photos of the counterfeit case jackets.

See also: Pirates rule the Philippine seas