
Video: Bungie goes to Amsterdam

Okay, we're a little late on this news, but it's Halo 3 related so there is no expiration date and you'll like it! Ahem, sorry about that ... let's just get to the news.

Last week Frankie and crew made their way to Amsterdam on a mission to show the European media some Halo 3 goodness, answer a few questions and try the country's world famous brownies. Overall, they were successful in showing off the game and also made the Earth shattering announcement that Halo 3 would include four player online co-op. The media trip is what they'd call "good times". And fear not fanboys you are not left out of the Amsterdam fun, because our friends over at Gamersyde posted a twelve minute video of the event. The video (embedded above) showcases Brian and Frank's speaking skills, some game talk, and discussion about future of the franchise complete with Dutch French translation on the bottom. It's a good watch that should quench your Halo 3 thirst or, at the very least, give you a sense for how awesomely shiny Frankie's head is.

[Thanks, Brian]