
What should happen to Arthas?

Now that we know the Lich King will be waiting for us in the next expansion, lore junkies and raiders have begun to speculate exactly how his story will end -- or even if it will. Blizzard has shown no qualms about letting raid groups kill lore figures like Vashj and Kargath Bladefist, but they've also let some escape or resurrect (Kael'thas, Kel'thuzad) and arranged for Illidan's death to come at the hands of two lore characters as well as the raid. And Arthas is nearly a god right now. How can twenty-five adventurers hope to take him down?

Lysergide of Ravenholdt asks the European WoW Forums how they think the Arthas fight should go -- assuming we actually fight him head-on. He got some interesting answers:

  • Jaina Proudmoore, Arthas's ex, could come in and help fight the Lich King at a certain percentage.

  • The red dragon Alexstrasza could buff the raid to where they could defeat Arthas.

  • Sylvanas, who hates Arthas more than anything and is apparently coming to Northrend with the sole intention of wiping out the Scourge, could kill him.

  • Another bad dude, Kil'jaeden, has been trying to get to Arthas for years, and if the raid weakens him to a certain point, Kil'jaeden could take the opportunity to clean up.

  • No one kills him. He disappears, or goes to another plane of existence, or just runs off and leaves a great big unguarded chest of loot -- or perhaps we never really fight him.

So far, my favorite proposal is from Ermynedra of Quel'Thalas, who writes: "Anyone remember the Kel'thuzad Phylactery quest? I predict he will fight for his friend and Master once more. This time they'll fight together. And Anub'arak will be there as well. To compensate having to fight three of these major characters, 2 Major Characters, one horde, one alliance, will fight alongside the raid. The Horde and Alliance united against a common enemy before, they will do so again. I think for the Horde it should be Sylvanas, for the Alliance it should be Magni Bronzebeard (has anyone forgotten the sacrifice Arthas made to get Frostmourne? Exactly). Sylvanas will attack Kel'thuzad, because he got in the way of her revenge before. Magni will attack Anub'arak because he was there when Baelgun Flamebeard was killed."

A big, epic battle between lore characters would be nice, but we'll have to see what Blizzard comes up with. Between the Scourge, the Legion, the Nightmare of the Emerald Dream, the Old Gods, and the Black Dragonflight, the Warcraft universe certainly has no shortage of villains.

What do you think should happen to Arthas?