
Crysis for PS3? New evidence surfaces - we're not yet convinced

Oldmike, a user on the PlayStation 3 official forum, has posted a couple of photographs which, he believes, indicates that a PS3 version of Crysis is on its way. There's a fun wee story that goes along with the photos, too. Whilst in a local Gamestop oldmike spotted a PS3 box with some Crysis promo art on it. When he asked about it the manager overheard and, after getting flustered, yelled at the shop assistant that they shouldn't be on the shop floor yet. Alledgedly.

An intriguing story, with interesting photos attached. We're still not convinced, however. Shops do crazy stuff all the time (HMV, anyone?). We love the idea that Crysis might be coming in the future, but until official word comes from Crytek then we're going to remain skeptical.

Click the "read" link below for the full forum thread. The pics are on the fourth page