
The Light and How to Swing it: The BlizzCon 2007 edition

The first bit of good news from BlizzCon is that Paladins are currently not the most hated class. Warlocks definitely got more boos at every mention. Pallies are second, however, and some of the questions asked in the Q&A sessions of the panels didn't help matters. Though most of us realize this isn't a good idea, someone complained about his Pally Bubble in PvP situations -- and got soundly booed and laughed at by the general population. We obviously need to work on our public relations.

On to the info after the jump:

The Paladin Challenge

Blizzard explained that there is a challenge with Paladins when considering balance and itemization: the three talent specs define three very different roles. Unlike Mages, who are DPSers regardless of spec, Paladins are separated into three very different roles according to which spec they choose. The Holy spec makes the Paladin a powerful healer -- so powerful that Priests are crying foul. The Protection spec makes the Pally a good tank -- not great, but good. And the Retribution spec is intended to be a DPS spec, though it obviously has issues.

Stat Focus

Because of the three very different roles a Paladin can take on, we are forced to dilute our statistics across almost all of them in order to be effective. Blizzard agrees wholeheartedly that Paladins have too many stats to worry about. They are going to reduce the "necessary" number of stats, particularly reducing any need for Spell Damage. They want Pallies to be able to have a better gear overlap with Protection and DPS Warriors instead of with casters. This change probably won't happen until the expansion, but they say it will happen.

Tankadins will get better survivability

In general, Blizzard realizes that it is hard to find good tanks for groups and raids. This is one of the reasons they chose the Death Knight as their first Hero Class. But they also realize that each tank class and spec has to be not only viable but fun. While they are happy with the tanking abilities of the Bear and the Protection Warrior, they do realize that Protection Pallies need some love. The developers indicated that an increase in survivability -- perhaps by way of some health bonuses -- would be forthcoming for Tankadins. Their goal is to make the current three tank types equally viable but with specializations that make them better in certain situations.


Often lovingly referred to as Retardins, this spec is going to see a lot of improvement in the form of talents, stats and itemization. But Blizzard and at least one BlizzCon questioner want to be clear, it is currently a viable spec if you have the skills. They do agree, however, that it needs more improvement than just a command to L2Play. Ret Pallies are going to get their talent tree tweaked to be more than just burst DPS. Better items for this offspec will also be dropping in future patches and definitely in WotLK to fill the current gear gap.


All of these changes will of course apply to both PvP and PvE, but one PvP-only change will be that the Season 3 Arena Gear will include Resilience.

Collateral Goodies

Some changes that the developers are making to tweak other classes may also help Paladins. Spirit will be overhauled as a stat to make it more valuable, particularly as it affects Mana. Healers are going to be getting "free" spell damage so that they don't have to respec in order to solo and this may also help Paladins, but there is no guarantee. Even if the new changes to Spirit and Healer spell damage doesn't directly affect Paladins, it may help relieve the burden Paladins currently feel to heal. Holy Priests are getting some love and it sounds like Shadow Priests may be hit with the nerfbat -- this may make Holy Priests more prevalent and more desirable on raids, allowing Paladins to take other roles.

In my opinion, it looks like Blizzard has been listening and is on the right track. Or did I just drink too much of the happy Koolaid? What do you think of the changes. Is there anything they've overlooked?