
Podcast Rodeo for August 12: Ear or far

We hope you all are out there finding new podcasts to suggest, recording your own podcasts, and, with any luck, making a little room in your heart for some new additions. Without further ado, we offer the latest candidates for your love.

Xcast: We like the Xcast, which is solely about 360 news and happenings, because it manages to be unabashedly a fan podcast without being annoying. It's just a couple of guys sharing their opinions with little aspiration to be a slick show, which is surprisingly refreshing. On this episode, expect Shadownrun talk and, of course, some price drop discussion.

Wii Cafe's Open Mic Night: Have you ever been checking out at Gamestop, and heard two cashiers passionately sharing their opinions with each other, and possibly frightening their customers the the volume and intensity of their discussions about how much they love the Wii? Someone has apparently been recording those guys. Also, be warned, this episode is pretty old. But the passion, ah, the passion, she is timeless!

Joystiq: Well, well, well, two episodes on two concurrent weeks? Can we chalk this up to divine intervention? Maybe. A new producer whose name rhymes with Bustin Stackelroy? Absolutely. Cons, price drops, a slow clap, and the magical portable Wii, it's all here.

Orange Lounge Radio: You see? We get all excited about managing to string two weeks in a row together, and we follow it up by posting about a show that's been doing it for years. This seems to be sort of a transition week for the crew, which is discussing all the news of the week, new releases and ... karaoke. However there are a ton of old episodes you can go through on iTunes and catch the fever.

The Uncommon Man Podcast: While not updated quite steadily enough for our taste, this podcast does have a nice chemistry between its two hosts. Also, we love the way that they jump right into interesting stuff without wasting time with navel gazing and housekeeping for the first five to 10 minutes of their show like so many other programs. Also, one of our favorite podcast names ever.

That's all for now. Hey, this week, in addition to plugging your own cast or the ones you like, how about sharing your thoughts on this week's casts? It'll be like on Oprah!