
Zen and the Art of Mushroom Maintenance

20-year-old craftster Tiffany indulged her boyfriend's love of sand and Mario by joining the two with a themed zen garden. Since this will be a birthday present, she took extra care to decorate the lid with wood cut-outs that she painted and glued atop one another for a "3D look." If her beau doesn't run wildly around the room for 15 seconds after unwrapping this, knocking over everything in his path while sounding out "Starman" music, we'll be disappointed.

Opening the box reveals Mario and friends, as well as a playground of sand to rake patterns into. Tiffany plans to eventually add blocks painted with question marks and possibly other elements. Might we suggest a miniature green boot? Enjoy your fleeting invincibility and somersault past the post break for more photos.

[Thanks, Alexis!]