
Rumored Halo 3 Epsilon details

Our friends at Xbox-Scene have received some new details on Halo 3 Epsilon, which was spotted on several gamercards last week. According to an anonymous tipster has informed Xbox-Scene that Halo 3 Epsilon is a downloadable version of Halo 3 with lots of gameplay options. Think of it as the Halo 3 Beta Plus. Epsilon gives you access to multiplayer fun on six maps including Snowbound, High Ground, Valhalla, Last Resort, Epitaph, and Sandtrap. In addition, players get access to custom games and the ability to fully edit game variants. Not only that, but Forge is also available, where players can edit and save map variants. Players can also enjoy four player co-op in a single level of Halo 3's campaign. Finally, the fully functional Saved Films feature is also available, allowing players to save and edit films from all available play modes including Forge.

All in all, it's sounds like a pretty sweet deal for those lucky enough to get in on it. We've been checking our inbox obsessively without any luck. We'd ask the lucky bastards playing it to tell us about it, but they're probably sworn to secrecy on pain of death.

[Thanks to everyone that sent this in]