
Show and Tell: The gaming center

What's a gamer to do when the collection threatens to take over the world ... or at least, your living area? If you're reader Andrew, you make sure you have an amazing wife who will build and design a custom armoire sized to fit your oldest loves. We're pretty sure our own retro-lover is gonna start buying his wife drafting paper and DIY guides after seeing this one.

Becky, who is clearly a ninja, secretly counted, weighed, and measured Andrew's collection and designed this gaming center to hold everything he needs for a relaxing day of play. The drawers are sized perfectly for his games -- with extra room! -- and with the help of her family, she constructed the whole thing for him. Andrew, who admits he's not very handy, claims he got to help with a few of the "simpler things." We just hope that included thanking her profusely with hugs, flowers, and games of her choice. Check out the gallery to see some more shots of this custom-designed wonder. She even alphabetized all the games for him! Now that's love -- and the kind of understanding a gaming couple can share.


Got something you want to show off? Crafts, cakes, collections from modest to extreme, t-shirts ... whatever you've got, if it has a little Nintendo flavor, we want to see it. Just take some pictures (or copy your web album links) and send them to showmeit [at] dsfanboy [dot] com. We'll take care of the rest.