Advertisement lists COD4 beta for today, already being played

[Update: Activision has now given an official response about the COD4 beta release date. Click here for more details.]

If you've been hankering for you shot at the Call of Duty 4 multiplayer beta, your wait may be at an end. First of all, the beta has been spotted on the official Xbox Live Maretplaceticker. What's more, the listing declares that the beta is due to come out today. If you prefer a little more proof than an listing (and we wouldn't blame you if you do), Robert Bowling (GT: fourzerotwo), a community manager for Infinity Ward, was playing the beta at the time of this posting. We haven't received any sort of notification from, so we're assuming the beta hasn't started just yet. Still, if Infinity Ward is on Live testing the beta, it can't be too long, can it? Check out a screen cap of Bowling's gamercard after the break.

[Thanks, BigBeck89]