
Eidos unveils Conflict: Denied Ops, an FPS full of political hotspots

Perhaps some of you have played previous iterations of Eidos' Conflict franchise. If you have, then the announcement of a new title should have you giddy as a schoolgirl. If not, then you should at least show some interest -- we're going to tell you about Conflict: Denied Ops anyway. As the fifth entry into the series, developer Pivotal Games wanted to shock the series with more political and paramilitary intrigue than you can shake a stick at.

The premise to Denied Ops is this: sometimes the US Government can't afford to publicly associate themselves with an operation -- thus a special force is dispatched (you). Gameplay plans to focus on two-man tactics, so expect an extensive co-op mode to really make the game worthwhile (online co-op would be excellent, too). In addition to this, there are going to be highly destructible environments to create a new depth to undertaking any one objective -- it's being toted as "Hollywood Action". Sounds good. We'll keep you up to date, since the game isn't shipping until Spring of '08.

[via N4G]