
Please stop tipping me

I recently took some time off from leveling my pally to get some rare jewelcrafting recipes. As a result of skillful AH playing, I can now make some of the best blue gems for melee DPS, magic DPS, and healers. (Sorry, tanks, there aren't enough of you out there to make those recipes worthwhile.)

As such, my little pally alt has become one of the primary gemcrafters for my guild. And I really, really enjoy cutting the gems that go into my guildmates' armor. It makes me feel happy to know that my rogue's elixirs and my pally's gems can help out the raid, even when I'm not playing at the time. But recently, some of my guildmates have begun tipping me for my cuts, which is kind of awkward. Especially since I charge strangers 4g for cuts, and my guildmates have been giving me 5. The following conversation usually ensues:

Me: I cut gems for guildmates for free.
Guildmate: No, I know how expensive those recipes are.
Me: Really, I know you're saving for your epic mount.
Guildmate: So are you.
Me: No, dude, it's okay.
Guildmate: Just take the damn money!

I feel especially guilty because I've always considered guilds to be a shared resource of skills. Therefore, I get my Mongoose enchanted for free if I provide mats, and in return, I cut any gem someone needs. We have some amazingly generous enchanters who always end up contributing half the mats because "I have enough money", and meanwhile, people are paying for my lousy one-click jewelcrafting.

Do you tip guildmates for crafting services?