
Wired chronicles the development of Halo 3

If you've moseyed on by your local newsstand, or whatever the kids call 'em these days, you may have seen the Master Chief plastered on the cover of Wired magazine. As our more astute readers have probably surmised, the issue contains a lengthy article on Halo 3. Specifically, the article deals with the extensive testing process that Halo 3 has undergone to ensure that the game is as close to perfect as it can be. Believe it or not, Bungie knows that lots of people were unsatisfied with Halo 2 (many Bungie employees weren't satisfied with it). The combat wasn't balanced, there were plenty of glitches, and the story, well, the story wasn't what Bungie wanted it to be. This time though, Bungie has employed an army of testers to make sure that the game is satisfying to everyone from the pros to Halo n00bs to Grandma (well, maybe not Grandma). As noted by the article, the Halo 3 testing process leans more towards science than artistry. Bungie recorded play sessions, recorded players' reactions during those play sessions, had players stop to note their satisfaction every 20 minutes, and much more. The amount of statistics recorded is really staggering, and all of it done to make sure that Halo 3 -- particularly Halo 3's campaign -- is the best damned game it can possibly be.

The article hasn't made it online yet, so you'll have to pick up a copy of Wired if you want the full scoop.

[Image: 360WTF]