
Sega pulls wraps off Viking: Battle for Asgard

Someday, Blizzard will wise up and realize that they're wasting their time with World of Warcraft and Starcraft 2. What they'll someday realize is that the Lost Vikings IP is where the real money's at. Until that sweet day of vindication though, we have to placate ourselves with other Viking-themed titles, such as Sega's newly-announced Viking: Battle for Asgard, due on the Xbox 360 and PS3 in early 2008.

In the hack-and-slash, which is being developed by Creative Assembly of Spartan: Total Warrior fame, you'll play as Skarin, a viking defending his people from an encroaching army of undead Vikings and an evil goddess. Expect to hear more about the game during the Leipzig Games Convention this week. Expect to hear about more about a new Lost Vikings exclusively in our dreams.