
Wired drops Halo 3 content bomb

If you're eagerly awaiting Halo 3 like a good gamer, you're probably looking for any scrap of new info you can find on the game. Good news: Wired magazine is cordially inviting you to feast. That link will take you to a fascinating article about how Halo 3 was scientifically tuned to rock your face off. Don't miss the color-coded maps that show Bungie when one side of a playing field has an advantage. (And you thought that you were playing the beta for fun!)

There are also pictures of Bungie staffers, a video primer of Halo and, of course, gorgeous screenshots. Unfortunately, after sating your Halo 3 thirst with this new content, you're probably just going to want the game even more. We're sorry. It's a vicious cycle.

[Via X3F]