
German Apollo Justice screenshots are a good sign

Siliconera's Spencer Yip came across some screenshots of the German localization of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney and rejoiced. Not because German is awesome (although we suppose it is a pretty neat language) but because evidence of any work being done on a version in any European language portends that the English version is even farther along. In fact, if Capcom is even thinking about a European release, we estimate that the US version must have been out for about two years already.

More information about the European version can be found at Nintendo's European site, which lists some very Teutonic-sounding names for the twin lawyers known as Garyuu Kirihito and Garyuu Kyouya in Japan: Klavier and Kristoph Gavin. In addition, Apollo's assistant, called Minuki in Japanese, is called Trucy in the European release. Could these be the American character names as well?