
PAX 07: The Penny Arcade panel

Just like last year, the duo enter the stage to "Hustlin'" which, we much admit, is pretty pimp. (Is that right, is that how you say it?). This is Q&A style, where fans ask wacky questions and the pair respond with witty ripostes. We'll spare you a blow-by-blow here, and just limit our writeup to the good stuff (which is really in the air, it's difficult to capture in a bottle). They discuss the fascinating Halo 3 testing process recently covered in Wired; what's better Guitar Hero 1 or Guitar Hero 2; and whether or not Jerry is a fan of professional wrestling.

Is Jerry interested in writing a book? "No, I am super, super lazy."

Is there hope for the future of downloadable content and who do you think will lead the way? No, he's not talking about the podcast. They're of a mind that as long as we stop buying horse armor, they'll stop making it. Will Rock Band kill off Guitar Hero completely? Do they save or harvest Little Sisters? Mike saves 'em (he says "it's worth it") while Jerry kills 'em. He's up to twelve. "They're not little girls anymore." Are they working on an animated series? Basically, the animated scenes in the game are their animated series.

A fangirl request: Jerry sings an a capella rendition of My Belruel while the crowd waves their various portable handhelds in the nerd equivalent of lighters. Touching, to be sure.

After a lucky reader gets to enter the stage to the sounds of "Hustlin'" (ah, wish fulfillment) we're back to a serious question about the visual progression in the game. Criticism of the first trailer was "totally their fault." After giving developers crap for releasing trailers early, they fell victim to the same problem, getting overexcited and wanting to share their work. Obviously the game looks much better so it sounds like the criticism was taken to heart (go internet!).

The final surprise of the panel: a secret special guest! Apparently Jack Thompson wasn't available so they managed to get Public Enemy #2. Uwe Boll. More on that soon.