
Metroid Week: The many faces of Samus Aran

One of the best things about conventions of any kind is seeing all of the people dressing up as their favorite characters from games and manga. And considering PAX just came to a close and what week this is, we figured we could post some of our internet finds on cosplaying Samus Arans. So, for some of the best (and worst) costumes, head past the break.

Taken at the recently-concluded PAX, we see Zero Suit Samus hanging out with Hyrule's own Link. Don't they make quite the couple?

Wearing pretty much the most awesome cosplay costume ever, this mysterious Samus put a lot of time and effort into that thing. Color us jealous.

This purposely horrible cosplay of Samus provided us with many a laugh. Right down to the sneakers and inappropriate bulge, this is just full of wrong.

This Samus is definitely inspired, however the helmet doesn't look all that good. Major props on the rest of the outfit, though.

Again, what is it with the sneakers? At least this guy's power cannon looks kind of cool.

There you have it. Any of you have some cool finds?